Rapid antigenic test
European origin
20 whale/pack test
Art.No. COVAG020
Rapid immunochromatography test for qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens in nasopharyngeal secretion
Reporting time – up to 15 min
Sensitivity – 96.4%/Specificity – 99.2%/ Accuracy – 98.0%
No need for additional equipment
Everything you need to get a result is included in each whale test
CE mark for in vitro medical devices acc. to Directive 98/79/EEC
Each box includes:
20 sterile swabs
20 reporting tiles
20 tubes with dispenser cap
2 op. buffer (10 ml)
Tripod with 8 numbered sockets
Instructions for use
Contact: +359 895 200 174, +359 895 200 109 e-mail: lab@rsr-bg.com